

The cloud native platform that serves you best

Whether you are running in the cloud, on-premises or hybrid, you can reduce infrastructure burden and shift resources towards value-adding outcomes.

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How the magic happens

An open source based solution with added features for stability, scalability and reliability. Paired with our production experience, you get a future-proof solution. It grows and changes as your cloud native journey unfolds.

In short, production ready.

Gain an advantage for your cloud native journey with our production ready developer platform. Just as your needs are constantly changing, the platform grows and changes. This evolution is driven by your emerging needs and new open source, cloud native technologies, we have tried and tested.

All this good stuff is wrapped in our managed service. Which means that much of the toil associated with managing your cloud native platform is gone.


Are these your challenges?

The good news is that many of the solutions you require are already baked into our product. We are available for 24x7 support and additional training and guidance as necessary.

Cloud Migration

You’ve got a project and you’ve got a deadline. You may even have microservices written and working. There is so much knowledge to gain and tools to learn and you need to run it. Somehow, you aren’t realizing the cloud native promise of speed and agility.

Working with Giant Swarm gives you a reliable and future-proof architecture. You will be up and running within weeks and receive 24x7 operations for infrastructure and support from the start.

Cloud Scaling

You want to embrace a DevOps culture. You want to be strategic about developing a cloud-native platform. You are striving to achieve standardization and automation that will contribute to reusability, governance and security. 

Working with Giant Swarm will enable you to align projects and technologies that will benefit from a common platform, while ensuring reliability with 24x7 support. You will ultimately be able to focus on developing cloud-native capabilities to support your strategic initiatives. We have your back with individual support for diverse teams.

Cloud Optimization

Kubernetes has become your operating system and you need a consolidated infrastructure. This includes ensuring reliability of your infrastructure and preparation for future growth. We will help you assess and close the gaps in your cloud-native stack with holistic solutions that address observability, security, etc. Cost optimization is on your mind as you test out new use cases. You are also striving to optimize developer experience in order to keep your edge.

Working with Giant Swarm we will remove the pieces of the day 2 operations that slow you down and distract you. We will work with you to find solutions to new and unique use cases you are working on.

What you need, now

The cloud native journey is characterized with a flow of requirements from multiple stakeholders. Many of these are covered by the Giant Swarm offering out of the box.



Fully automated, up to date, technology across the cloud native stack.



Standard product with baked in solutions to problems others have faced.



Reliability enabled by redundancy, self healing and removing single points of failure.



Multi-vendor open source powered by Cluster API. You choose your cloud native infrastructure.


Fleet management

Automated fleet management enabling upfront definition of apps and configurations for your clusters.


Solution driven

Close gaps as you need to fill them with solutions for networking and registry, observability, security and service mesh.

Management API

The management cluster is a dedicated Kubernetes cluster that runs all your operational and monitoring workloads. Your workload clusters and other associated resources are represented as custom resources (CRs). To access these, you use the Kubernetes API of the management cluster, or in short, the Management API. Its behavior is defined by admission controllers enforcing policies and providing defaults.


Kubernetes as a Service

Seemingly the magic bullet towards transforming software in many enterprises. Kubernetes is looked to for the benefits it can provide. These include agile software development and deployment, environmental consistency, immutability and resource efficiency, and open-source innovation. But, since there are no free lunches, adopting Kubernetes comes with many challenges. Among these organizations encounter platform complexity, security, automation and governance, and cultural and skills challenges.

 Built-in components include: coredns, ingress controllers, metrics. You also get cloud provider integration with external-dns, kiam, etc.

 Automated upgrades with zero downtime. Lockstep releases ensure the combination of components will always work on your upgraded clusters.

 The clusters you spin up autoscale by default.

 All the components in the stack are highly secure by default.

 Mix different workloads in a single cluster with node-pools.

 Enabling you to select the best mix of multi-cluster and in-cluster multi-tenancy.

App platform

App Platform automates away the repetitive and error prone process of managing apps and configurations on fleets of clusters. It eliminates the need for manual work or hacking the CD pipeline. App Platform is a Kubernetes tool for configuring and installing applications across fleets of Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to deploy an app to any cluster using just a single cluster as your control point. The Giant Swarm App platform allows you to install apps on any cluster in your cluster fleet from a source called a catalog. The source catalog can be a Giant Swarm catalog of managed apps, or a bespoke catalog created by you for your organization.


Catalog level configuration

Provides catalog level defaults and applies sensible defaults to applications.

Cluster level configuration

Provides cluster specific values (e.g. cluster name)

User level configuration

Enables fine tuning the configuration with the ability to override previous definitions.


Towards platform as code

The “as Code” movement is about applying tools and processes from software development to lower layers. Giant Swarm takes this to the next level. Using “as Code” for everything needed to create and manage your ideal developer platform.

Benefit from using the Kubernetes API for everything:

One interface, ensures quick uptake, support across existing tooling and a single GitOps for everything.
No lock-in as everything is based on accepted standards and Kubernetes native extensions.

"as Code" eliminates the stress caused by implementing changes to your platform.


True to the DevOps way of thinking - we run what we build. This allows you to rest easy when it comes to the resource intensive tasks of infrastructure management. We will be your infrastructure facing SRE team. The benefit of this is that you gain learnings from our other customers, since we bake all those learnings into the product and ops processes. This puts you in front of the curve, without doing anything at all. Operations and upskilling included, with the following results:

Operations Upskilling
 Alerts are managed  Architecture recommendations are given
 Upgrades are taken care of  Ongoing training is provided
 Mean time to resolution is reduced  Periodic meetings for strategic initiatives
 Uptime is increased  Interactions as needed for operational things
 Root cause analysis is shared  Extensive documentation to help you




Evolve from Infrastructure as Code to Platform as Code.

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Adidas case study on CNCF

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Scaling on-demand Prometheus servers with sharding

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Franz Schubert

Account Director

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Henning Lange

Co-founder & CEO

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