Bare metal Kubernetes: an answer to rising costs and vendor lock-in
Here's what we're hearing from infrastructure teams: they're tired. Tired of complexity. Tired of unpredictable costs. Tired of feeling locked into de …

The finale: cost optimization in the cloud
Thanks for getting this far with us. By now you will have learned that moving workloads to Kubernetes and the public cloud will not necessarily get yo …

Part 2: Taking control of the cost drivers
Now that you have examined your compute-related costs (if you haven’t, check out the previous post in this series) let’s dig into cost optimization of …

Part 1: Taking control of the cost drivers
Introduction Now that we know what we should be looking at — the cost drivers. Let’s dive into what we can do with these moving parts to optimize cost …

Introduction to cost optimization in Kubernetes
Introduction The potential for cost saving is often one of the critical factors when deciding to move to open source and the cloud. Now, in the wake o …