Transparent salaries – it's not for breaking workspace taboos

Transparent salaries – it's not for breaking workspace taboos
After lots of deliberation, we now have ‘transparent salaries’ internally that are based on a modified version of the one Buffer has. To sum it up: No …
Sep 25, 2014
min read
Getting started with Docker and MeanJS

Getting started with Docker and MeanJS
To get started with a new technology it’s great to have a small, yet non-trivial example. Docker is an open-source project to easily create lightweigh …
Sep 23, 2014
min read
Welcome to Giant Swarm

Welcome to Giant Swarm
For our first post, we are cheating a bit. This has actually already gone out at a list of subscribers from our previous company. We thought an introd …
Sep 16, 2014
min read