Opening up our Free Alpha - Simple Microservice Infrastructure for You
In the last weeks we have been testing our microservice infrastructure with several close friends. We called this phase our “Closed Alpha”. At the sam …

Communications is About Conversations
After Marian wrote the great story of how he became our UX guy, now it’s my turn to also introduce myself. I actually also joined Giant Swarm nearly t …

Getting Started with Java Development on Docker
This week Anna, Stephan, Timo and myself were at W-Jax a big conference in Munich on enterprise technologies and especially Java. The interest in Dock …

What happens when you put the whole Giant Swarm team in a house for a week?
Time flies, it’s already been more than a week since we had our first offsite at the White Rabbits Mansion. For one week the whole Giant Swarm team go …

How I Became Giant Swarm’s UX Guy
At Giant Swarm, we'd like to make it a habit to write about every new team member that joins the initial seven folks. After Dennis, I'm new hire numbe …

How We Get Things Done - Productivity Stacks For Tech Startups
Being and staying productive is not just a personal challenge but also a very relevant topic on a group and company level. This is also closely relate …

CoreOS Meetup Cologne, October 14, 2014 Recap
Yesterday we held the CoreOS Meetup for the first time in Cologne and it was a great success. Over 110 people had registered on Meetup and they sure t …

The History and Future of Hosting
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 To really understand what Giant Swarm is doing, it …

Welcome Dennis Benkert to the Swarm from the Symfony Community
We had just started talking about what Giant Swarm was supposed to be, involving Docker and CoreOS and other of the hip and coming tools out there, wh …