Introducing A Better Way To Define Services
We’re moving to a new format for defining services on Giant Swarm. In this blog post we want to explain to you the migration timeline, main changes, b …

Deploy a Clojure application in Under 1 Minute
After having deployed a Meteor application in under 1 minute, I thought I’d try myself at another deployment. This time I wanted to go for something d …

Swacker: Code to Container, No Docker Required
The dream of most development teams is to have a setup where code is committed, built, and tested on a continuous basis. This practice is called conti …

The New Make or Buy Decision in Cloud - Your Own Docker PaaS
A lot has been said about how containerization and Docker enables companies to build and run their own PaaS the same way big companies like Facebook, …

Building a Smart Client-Side JavaScript “Discuss on Hacker News” Button
At Giant Swarm, we build infrastructure for developers, and of course we want our content to be visible amongst developers, too. To foster the distrib …

Deploy a Meteor Application in Under 1 Minute
Recently, we had someone on Twitter asking us if we support Meteor. As we were not sure, I thought challenge accepted we could just try it out. And it …

The Best of Rhineland Finals
Henning, Timo, and me have never been ones for startup competitions, especially those you need to pay for, and we still think a lot about the effort i …

Reliability Is Not Enough - Building Resilient Applications With Containerized Microservices
When we talk about applications and their deployment in production, we often talk about reliability as a non-functional requirement. What is it that w …

Step by Step Towards Zero Downtime Deployment - Rolling Updates are Here
Update: With swarm CLI 0.18.0 we introduced different update strategies that you can choose from. The one described in this blog post is the default o …