aws-operator 2.0 managing Kubernetes clusters with CloudFormation
Our aws-operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Kubernetes clusters running on AWS. We recently released version 2.0 of the operator that uses …

Let Me Introduce the Five Ts
There are changes about at Giant Swarm and one of these is the fact that we are moving offices again. Interestingly the reason is not that we are addi …

A Trip From the Past to the Future of Kubernetes
Boy what a ride this past year has been. In the beginning of 2016, after having been working in the container space for 2 years already (Docker was 0. …

Continuous Deployment of On-Prem Kubernetes Infrastructure
With the creation of our Giantnetes stack, the team at Giant Swarm decided that we should continuously deploy our entire fancy new infrastructure. CI/ …

Issuing Certificates for Kubernetes with cert-operator using Vault and OperatorKit
At Giant Swarm our Giantnetes (G8s) platform runs Kubernetes within Kubernetes and is built using microservices and operators. You can read more about …

Why Kubernetes or How Giant Swarm Builds Infrastructure
Giant Swarm’s goal is to build the simplest platform to professionally host your distributed applications. In pursuing this goal for the last few year …

Wait for it - Using Readiness Probes for Service Dependencies in Kubernetes
In a perfect world of microservices every part is aware that things can break. If some endpoint can’t be reached it should just be retried after some …

On Running your Local Development Environment in Kubernetes
At Giant Swarm, I work on Microservice Infrastructure and a lot of my work is centered around improving how we run clusters as well as software on clu …

Adding a gRPC engine to boost CoreOS fleet scalability and performance
Note: As the ecosystem has developed a lot over the last few years, we moved our user services away from fleet into Kubernetes running on a lightweigh …