Holiday Creative Container Contest #HC3 - Build a Microservice App
by Puja Abbassi on Dec 15, 2014
It’s holiday season and at least in Germany that means lots of sweets, christmas markets, and obligatory mulled wine. For a lot of us it also means finally some free time to play with stuff we don’t have time to otherwise and maybe even some new toys. And for those of you who are still not sure what they will play around with, we have a suggestion. We call it the Holiday Creative Container Contest, or short #HC3.
The only thing you need is Docker and a Giant Swarm Alpha account (more on that in a second). So, how does it work?
Think about a cool microservice app that you want to work on this holiday season.
Start coding on it. Keep in mind that it should be running in Docker containers.
Deploy and run it on Giant Swarm. Remember, you can have as many testing and staging environments as you want.
Make it public with your very own subdomain.
If you need help you can reach us through the usual channels, especially on Gitter chat.
The deadline will be January, 7th 2015 midnight (GMT). After that the Giant Swarm crew will evaluate the projects and announce the winners. The three top projects will receive a Giant Swarm care package each and get prominently featured on our blog. The overall winner will additionally get a ticket to microXchg 2015. We are looking for especially creative solutions that use our current feature set in the most effective way. Always wanted to get ScummVM or your Turbo Pascal app from high school running in the cloud? Go for it! Be creative! Additional your projects will be judged on measures related to microservices, e.g. number of services, languages, DBs, containers, etc..
“But what if I haven’t been invited to try out Giant Swarm, yet?”, you say? Tell us about your crazy ideas and maybe Santa will have a special treat for you on December 24th. To be clear, we will give out 10 Alpha accounts to the best ideas reaching us through Twitter, Facebook, mail, or some other creative channel. If you wanna really go out of your way, you can even send us a GitHub repo.
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