8 on K8s with Álvaro Agea
Welcome to our series 8 on K8s where we interview interesting people in the Kubernetes community. In fact, check out our previous one with Matt Moore. …

8 on K8s with Matt Moore
Welcome to our series 8 on K8s where we interview interesting people in the Kubernetes community. In fact, check out our previous one with Natan Yelli …

8 on K8s with Natan Yellin
Welcome to our series 8 on K8s where we interview interesting people in the Kubernetes community. In fact, check out our previous one with David Flana …

8 on K8s with David Flanagan
Welcome to our series 8 on K8s where we interview interesting people in the Kubernetes community. In fact, check out our previous one with Murat Karsl …

What it’s really like to work at Giant Swarm when you can’t code
Here at Giant Swarm, we’re in the business of "Frictionless Kubernetes", which is a snappy way of saying we’re a very tech-heavy company. However, as …

KubeCon's Greatest Hits
KubeCon 2021 has come and gone but what we learned from it is here to stay — or at least, that’s our hope with compiling this (in-no-way-exhaustive) l …

Giant Swarm’s solution architect versus account engineer guide
A Solution Architect and an Account Engineer walk into a bar…

Silence, please! Why and how we silence alerts
At Giant Swarm, we live the DevOps life. This means we run what we build. The twist is that we manage it mostly for people in organizations outside of …

Giant Swarm’s Top 10 Cloud-Native Hits of 2020
The best of 2020. Really, we mean it.