Managed Cloud Native Stack - How Giant Swarm Does Cloud
A lot of us at Giant Swarm were at KubeCon in Copenhagen back in May. As well as being 3 times the size of the previous edition in Berlin the atmosphe …
Production-grade Kubernetes Now in an Azure Region near You
We’re thrilled to announce that Giant Swarm is now available on Azure. This adds to the support we already have for AWS and on-premise installations a …
Using Kubernetes LoadBalancer Services on AWS
Cloud Providers are a powerful concept in Kubernetes that provide cloud specific extensions. On AWS, Kubernetes Services of type LoadBalancer are a go …
aws-operator 2.0 managing Kubernetes clusters with CloudFormation
Our aws-operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Kubernetes clusters running on AWS. We recently released version 2.0 of the operator that uses …
Issuing Certificates for Kubernetes with cert-operator using Vault and OperatorKit
At Giant Swarm our Giantnetes (G8s) platform runs Kubernetes within Kubernetes and is built using microservices and operators. You can read more about …