Introduction to cost optimization in Kubernetes
Introduction The potential for cost saving is often one of the critical factors when deciding to move to open source and the cloud. Now, in the wake o …

Never Break The Upgrade Path
The product team at Giant Swarm recently made a noteworthy decision: never break the upgrade path.

Be the Executive Driving Digitalization
Recently, Gartner published the results of the 2020 Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey in the 2020 Gartner CEO Survey: The Year of Reces …

Taking Our Roadmap Public
At Giant Swarm, everything we do is intertwined with our values. The decision to take our roadmap public is no exception. We began by challenging the …

Q1 2020 Hackathon: What Can a Non-Techie Do?
It was the last full week of March. The last three days before a bunch of us had planned to go to Amsterdam to attend KubeCon EU 2020. It was Giant Sw …

The Graphic Guide to Evolving Cloud-native Deployments
This blog post was inspired by a talk given by Timo Derstappen, Giant Swarm Co-Founder and CTO.

The Operator Challenge
You may have read in the recent blog post by my colleague Chiara Cokieng about her experiences from Operator Week. If you haven’t, you can catch it he …

Trust as Differentiator
Do you trust us? In a recent meeting, I was trying to suss out the differentiators of Giant Swarm and put them into words. When we moved beyond gut fe …

FinTechs - watch out! How to make Kubernetes successful
FinTech is a relatively new, but rapidly expanding sector of the financial services industry. Put simply, FinTech is the application of technology to …