Scaling on-demand Prometheus servers with sharding
It’s been a few years since we last wrote about our Prometheus setup. I’d recommend reading that article for context first, but for those looking for …

Taking Care Remotely
Wellbeing and mental health are current topics inside Giant Swarm, as well as in the larger community. Given that, this is still a delicate and tough …

Monitoring On-Demand Kubernetes Clusters with Prometheus
Monitoring our infrastructure is of paramount importance at Giant Swarm, as our customers rely on us to provide fully-operated clusters that power som …

Continuous Deployment of On-Prem Kubernetes Infrastructure
With the creation of our Giantnetes stack, the team at Giant Swarm decided that we should continuously deploy our entire fancy new infrastructure. CI/ …

On Running your Local Development Environment in Kubernetes
At Giant Swarm, I work on Microservice Infrastructure and a lot of my work is centered around improving how we run clusters as well as software on clu …